Currently I am working on some unfinished projects. Some of it is gear, piecing together a rig setup for bass, electric guitar, and working on some music. Lately I've been helping some students organize their practice routine because some students are at the point they are learning 4-6 pieces at a time. Shoot in college music majors are expected to learn 6-9 pieces of music during the semester, along with exercises and scales and have all of it prepared for juries (an examination point usually at the end of a semester for music students).
The 3 concepts I try to remember while balancing things in work/life: 1. Consistency. Work on your small tasks of your project every day. it may seem simply enough but saying it will help keep you on track. Try to schedule when you want to work on something every day say a piece of music, a technique, any topic BUT the key to mastering that concept is the action, do it EVERY DAY! 2. Focus. Understand that it will take time to fully understand what you are doing. Do not do something blindly and hope that it will work out. Focus on the things it takes to do for your objective. 3. Keep perspective. Break often, work diligently and take your time. I cannot tell you how many times I have had my head stuck down working on a project I forget how "it fits in the bigger picture". Sometimes I think I just want to be done already!!! But if I slap things together holistically the parts may not make sense when combined. These are the three ideas that I try to remember when balancing more than one project whether it may be music, understanding equipment, organizing things in work or life. What are some of the things you remember when balancing more than one thing?
Decided to start posting up some articles, thoughts about what I am working on and I thought this would be a good spot to share my experiences and impart any knowledge about anything music and guitar related. I love playing music and consider myself not just a guitarist, but a musician because music from any instrument connects to another.
I remember watching the movie X-Games 3D and in the interview with skateboarder Bob Burnquist he spoke about his thoughts on Olympic Gold medalist Shaun White (snowboarder/skateboarder). To paraphrase Burnquist said...I think skateboarding helps him [Shaun White] be better a snowboarder and snowboarding helps him to be better at skateboarding. So regardless of what instrument/style anyone plays the knowledge is transferrable and I hope you can take something from it. Welcome to the music corner. |